Calvary Baptist Church’s mission has always been to pursue the glory of God.

The church acquired property on Old Kathleen Road in 2020 with the goal of relocating our facilities so that we might be able to have the capacity to fulfill that goal in a greater way. We have developed a master plan to guide the church in relocating over the next year. We intend to use this new facility to enhance and expand the outreach programs of Calvary Baptist Church. We feel God’s calling to be involved in sharing His Word with the Lakeland community and this facility would give us more opportunity to do so.

Are you ready to join Project 28:20?

Generosity is one of our values at Calvary. We give, not out of obligation, but out of gratitude, acknowledging that everything we possess is a gift from God. We want you to experience the joy of cheerful giving, not because of what we want from you, but because of what we want for you.